Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Most Important Technology

If I had to choose the single most important digital technology in my life I would have to say my cell phone. My computer is extremely important since that's what I use to do homework, pay my bills and look up information that I need to know on a daily basis, however without my computer I could always go to the public library or use a friend's computer. My cell phone however would be irreplaceable. I use my cell phone constantly to stay connected with my family and friends. I text message dozens of times a day and this has become my primary means of communication. I use text messaging to let my boyfriend know what I'm up to, ask my mom what she wants to do for dinner and check up with friends about upcoming plans. Without my cell phone I wouldn't be able to do all of these things either by text message or phone call. My cell phone contains the numbers of everyone and everything vital in my life. If I lost it I would be in some trouble. I don't think I could do without my cell phone because that is how I stay connected and in touch with everyone else in my life. If I didn't have it how would I ever know what was going on and how would I ever be able to talk to my boyfriend and friends?

If I did suddenly find myself without my cell phone I'm not sure what I would do. I suppose I could stay in touch with people through the computer, however that does not give me immediate responses. Most of the time if I have a quick question for my boyfriend or a friend I text it real quick and they reply within a short amount of time. Sending an email may take longer to get a response. If I needed to make a phone call I could always ask a friend to use his or her cell phone, however this would be for a quick use, it wouldn't stay with me all the time like my cell phone. Since I no longer have a land line in my house I would be without a phone at home. My cell phone is usually next to me. Whether I am driving in my car, lying in bed or reading a book my cell is usually nearby so that I can hear when someone is trying to reach me. I use text messaging to stay connected to my boyfriend on a regular basis. Without my cell phone I wouldn't be able to text him to just say hi or make plans with him. My relationship with him would change a lot.

So overall my cell phone connects me to the outside world and without I may just feel very alone.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Technology Integration in the Classroom Means to Me

I was born in 1985 which means that I'm at the tail end of the Gen Xers and the beginning of the Gen Ys. I remember getting my first computer in my house when I was in 4th grade. I began having Internet access in middle school and I was independently surfing the web and talking on AOL instant message in high school (back when you had to dial up to get the Internet, which took up your phone line, and it took forever and then half the time it gave you a busy signal). I got my first cell phone in high school and I began texting emphatically in college. I have seen technology go from being used by a seldom few who wanted to be a part of it to a world wide necessity in order to be a part of everyday society. I grew up in the age of technology being created and then booming into mainstream society. Now as an adult technology is playing a critical role in my job field and my use of it may just impact my success within my job. To me technology integration in the classroom means the following:
1. Student engagement-they are always interested
2. Student motivation- they always want to participate
3. Student excitement- they are always enjoying themselves and having fun
4. Student learning- they are always learning something new and often times applying it right away
5. Teacher intimidation- I often don't know many of the things that they know how to do
6. Teacher time- it takes a lot of personal time to learn about different quality educational sites and education software and a lot of time to plan technology integrated lessons
7. Connectivity- being able to connect my students to learning and thoughts from around the world is very intriguing
8. Newness- every lesson that I find a way to integrate technology with is new and interesting
9. Scariness- sometimes a find the world to be too connected and involved in every ones personal life. It is
bothersome to me how easily anyone can find out whatever they want to know about others by simply typing their name into a computer search engine

Overall I think that technology integration in the classroom is a must. We are living in an age of instant gratification for whatever we want to know whenever we want to know it. Students learn best through hands-on work and technology gives them the means to do that. Kids want to create and be made to think. Technology can bring them fun, excitement, enjoyment, knowledge, communication, challenge and confidence.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

About Me

Hey there!! My name is Kara and this is my first blog page. I created this account for a technology course that I am taking to earn my masters degree. I am currently an elementary school teacher and I have just begun my masters program this semester. I am very excited, but also a bit nervous. I love my job because I love to educate and inspire children....(however not all days are good, it's a tough job). I have never blogged before so this will be a new and interesting process for me.

Thanks for reading :)