Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Literature Review #1- Technology Integration with Science

For my literature review I read a research report from a woman named Kate Propejoy. She was interested in how technology can be used in elementary classrooms to enhance science curriculums. Her project was created in the form of a qualitative case study. She spent her time in a multi-grade (4th/5th) classroom and took on the role of a participant researcher/observer. She was specifically looking at the teaching practices as well as the student practices that emerged while they learned about astronomy and space exploration by using technology to enhance their learning and teaching. The students used the computers to research, analyze data and create presentations.
As an elementary teacher who finds science perhaps the most difficult subject to teach, I found this research report interesting to read. One of the most striking things I read was that the teacher, Belinda Knudson, eventually found that as the students became more and more comfortable with the use of technology her role shifted from the leader of the classroom to the facilitator within the classroom. This is something that my administrators in my school have been talking a lot of about. We as teachers don’t want and shouldn’t want to be the dominating voice and mind in our classrooms. We need to be strong models for our students so that they can gain the confidence to become independent thinkers and learners. We want to help them grow in their own way, not tell them how and what to think and expect them to regurgitate it back to us. In one part of the article it said, “Technology fosters an active environment where students not only problem solve, but can also find their own science problems to explore.” I was very drawn to this notion because I believe one of the most important skills I can teach my students is that of problem solving and critical thinking skills. We need to teach students to think outside the box and be creative problem solvers. We teach them so much information within a given school year that we can’t expect them to remember it all, but hopefully they will remember how to analyze, problem solve and create because these are the skills that will help them be successful in life no matter what path they choose to follow.  
Another notion that the article discussed is that of the teachers’ role in being an active learner of the technology that is available. There are so many fantastic technology opportunities out there for teachers to use with their students, but so many teachers just don’t know how to access them and use them properly. Another key factor is the willingness of teachers to expand their teaching practices and try using technology. In the article it stated, “Innovative technology is more likely to be integrated into classroom instruction if the teacher is highly reflective about his/her teaching practice and is able to consciously use the technology in a way that is consistent with his/her pedagogical beliefs.” I read this line a few times in order to really think about what it meant to me. I think that teachers have to be willing to admit to themselves when and where their teaching is faulting and commit to trying something new. There are so many technology options out there that all teachers should be able to find some new things to try that they are comfortable with and that will fit with their own teaching styles and methods.
One of the last interesting points that were brought up had to do with teaching students how to shift through the mass amount of information available on the web.  It was said that, “Students need to be taught to filter and critically engage with resources they find, to develop the ability to discriminate between fiction and fact, and to determine the worth of the data.” This statement is so true. Even as a current teacher and graduate student I find myself doing research on the internet and getting frustrated and overwhelmed with all of the information that is out there. If I as an adult still have difficulty with it, you can bet that children will. When teachers introduce technology into their classroom they need to be active participants with their students and show them how to navigate through weak information and find the stronger information.
Overall I found this article to be very good because it was short and concise in its overview of technology integration in the science classroom. However it was not completely focused just on science. I found myself being able to relate that it said to all aspects of technology integration in the classroom.
Click the following the link to view the article in its entirety.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I haven't seen this article, I'm going to check it out.
